“MOCHI MUGI” is currently attracting attention in Japan. Because it has various health benefits, such as relieving constipation, dieting, and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.However, when you look at shopping sites, in addition to “MOCHI MUGI,” you will also see words such as “Rolled barley” and “Rice-shaped barley.”
Have you ever wondered, “What is the difference?” or “Which one should I choose?” Here we will introduce the different types of barley based on their properties and processing.
Chewy “Glutinous” and light “non-glutinous”
There is “non-glutinous rice” and ” glutinous rice,” you know. Similarity, there is also “non-glutinous” and ” glutinous ” barley. In addition to that, each has “Two rows” and “Six Rows” varieties.
For example, “MOCHI MUGI,” has been in the spotlight in recent years in Japan. It is glutinous barley. In addition to the starch called amylose, it contains sticky amylopectin, giving it a chewy texture. Non-glutinous barley, on the other hand, contains almost no amylopectin, giving it a light texture.

Three types of barley: “Pearled barley,” “Rolled barley,” “Rice-shaped barley.”
In addition to the properties of “non-glutinous” and “glutinous,” there are other processing methods for different purposes, such as improving the texture, making it easier to cook, or improving the appearance. At Hakubaku, we make a variety of products from the three types of processed barley.
【Pearled barley】

This refers to Pearled barley with the outer husk removed and the aleurone layer (the part that becomes the bran) scraped off. It is only polished and not crushed, so it has a chewy and bouncy texture.
It can be used in a wide variety of ways, such as mixed with white rice and cooked, or boiled and used as a topping for salads and soups.
Hakubaku’s “MOCHI MUGI” is a product made from processed Glutinous barley.
【Rolled barley】

Rolled barley is made by steaming whole barley while leaving the black line in the middle of the grain intact, and then pressing it with a pressing roller.
This is a processing method that makes barley, which becomes hard and has low water absorption rate if left as is, easier to cook with rice.
Because of this, rolled barley is characterized by its smooth texture, and is often used in “barley rice,” which has been eaten in Japan since ancient times.
【Rice-shaped barley】

Rice-shaped barley is processed into a similar form to rice so that the barley does not stand out too much when cooked together with rice.
First, the barley is cut in half along the black vein in the middle with a cutter.
After that, it is polished to resemble the shape of rice. At this point, in order to shave the surface neatly, it is steamed, expanded, and then dried and hardened in a “steaming process.”
Incidentally, rice and wheat contain a lot of dietary fiber in their outer skin, so the fiber is reduced when they are refined, but barley has dietary fiber in the inner endosperm, so there is no need to worry about it being reduced even when shaved.
Summary of different types of barleys
Finally, we teach the way how to choose in different types of barley. If you want to enjoy the texture and unique flavor of barley, we recommend “Pearled barley” or “Rolled barley.” But when you want to enjoy the health benefits of barley with the same sensation as eating white rice, we want you to try “Rice-shaped barley.”
Why not find your favorite barley product and incorporate it into your life? You’re sure to have a healthier diet than ever before.